Today’s late morning coffee featuring,

– Facebook is being sued

Yet another legal action is started against Facebook in the Cambridge Analytica data breach – source Slashdot

Is there and end to this? Now, don’t get me wrong, User Data should be protected, that’s a fact, but isn’t there too much water under the bridge gone?


– Youtube has been added to Google Ads attribution reporting

Fresh from Google Blog,

Youtube’s addition to Google Ads attribution reporting means cross-network path analysis is now available. Additionally, Data-driven attribution has become increasingly popular but was previously limited by data constraints. – said PPC Hero blog


– Spotify is getting back on track

Spotify is adding users faster than it thought it would, It has 320 million active and 144 million paid subscribers, miles beyond rivals. – Engadget


– Linkedin’s Career Explorer

Linkedin has launched a new tool for Job Seekers, crucial in these pandemic times.  – TechCrunch


– How to speed up your WordPress

For the end of this coffee, we decided it’s was a good idea learn some tricks from Ahrefs.



Another day, another fresh pot of coffee. 🙂

Let’s drink it together

Performance Max Campaigns

Google’s Performance Max Campaigns are the thing that caught our interest since it was announced. We are not the only ones that are interested in how things are going to work with existing campaigns, surely, a useful thing for small business it’s going to be handy. But Performance Max Campaigns raised a lot of eyebrows when it comes to bigger accounts where we have more established search, display or other types of Campaigns.

Merkle team wrote an intro about these types of campaigns and the crew from SEJ made a full podcast about that topic

Understanding Shopping Cart Abandonment

is the most important part of conversion rate optimization SiteTuners team produced a great article about that subject – Strategies & 7 Recovery Tools to Consider


Microsoft Bing Indexing Issues

For a big company, which they are, Microsoft is having quite a few issues in the past period, latest one is Search Indexing Issue they are experiencing.

Seroundtable noticed it first.


TikTok partners Shopify

Shopify merchants will now have access to TikTok’s user base in the US, with Europe and Southeast Asia planned for early 2021. – by Campaignlive


Create Google Analytics Audiences for Google Ads

Premiere, Premiere….. get ready to Learn from the experts from MeasureSchool


And enjoy the rest of the day, may the CR% be with you



Last year at the Google Marketing Live event, Google introduced two image driven ad tests. Gallery ads for Search campaigns weren’t giving good results so it will be removed this summer, but Discovery ads finished their testing and are now available to all advertisers globally.

Discovery ads are eligible to serve across the YouTube Home and Watch Next feeds, Discover feed on the Google Search app and in Gmail Promotion and Social tabs and open up new avenues for both Google and advertisers.

If you’ve failed to notice ads in Discover feed yet, that’s because Google is treading very lightly here. Google machine learning is used to determine when to serve a Discovery ad that will deliver the best results on the campaign objective, and the results continue to improve.

When Google introduced the Discovery campaign, it said that the Discover feed has more than 800,000 monthly users. Now, Google is spreading its usage across the YouTube, Discover and Gmail surfaces to claim a combined audience of 2.9 billion people. In comparison to Facebook shared platforms, they reported 2.99 billion monthly active people.

Discovery campaigns aren’t just another effort by Google to move beyond search intent and deliver audience connections throughout the funnel, they give Google an entrance into working with social budgets and teams. Which team is ultimately responsible for Discovery campaigns will vary, but in many cases agencies and companies will have search, display and now social teams with a hand in Google Ads campaigns.

How to set up your Discovery ads? There are two ad formats in Discovery campaigns – Discovery carousel with multiple images and Discovery ads with single image. For the images, Google can scan your website and find the ones with proper dimensions, or you can upload your own. Google’s creative guide gives advice – aspirational imagery and copy is crucial.

Discovery ads in combination with responsive search ads serve up to five headlines and descriptions automatically. Google will also automatically choose call to action in your ads from ten options unless you choose for yourself. Based on geographic targeting, Google will show weekly impressions.

Keep in mind that this is one of Google’s automated universal campaign types, so smart bidding is required and Frequency and Ad Rotation are not available for this campaign type and also choose an average daily budget at least 10 times the value of your target cost-per-action (CPA) bid and wait for at least 40 conversions before making changes to your campaign.

This type of advertising has a huge impact on the success of an online business. PPC ads makes your brand awareness better, but they also boost sales too. Even Google confirms that search ads can raise brand awareness by 80%. If you run succesful PPC campaigns but not getting enough out of this advertising platform, check out these 9 ways to maybe improve your game.

1. Have a well-defined goal

  • Getting traffic to your website
  • Improving sales
  • Getting subscribers or downloads

First things first, you need to determine what you want to achieve from your paid search ads.

Until you set a clear and measurable goal, you can’t optimize your PPC campaign to match what you are aiming for. Your goal is the first step of your optimization process. If you don’t have a proper map to follow, you won’t get anywhere.

2. Use the high-performance keyword

In any PPC campaign, it is extremly important to choose the right keywords. Even though there is lots of tools, including the Google one for creating keyword lists, to be sure your campaign is good you need to choose the keywords that have high CTR. Before including specific keywords in your ad copy, check the for their performance and pick only those with excellent one. If your audience resides in a different countries, it is good thing to use a VPN service and find which keywords are ranking in their location.

3. Optimize the quality of keyword score

  • The relevancy of your keywords to your ad copy
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Landing page experience

One of the basic reasons many PPC campaigns don’t get the results that they wanted is that they have too many keywords. An average PPC campaign makes all of its sales from only around 12% of its keywords. So, avoid keyword overloading and instead improve the keyword quality score.

Focus on creating headlines that are relevant and can hit the right points of your target audience. Keywords with high CTR will help you generate traffic, which can improve your conversion rates. You can use Dynamic text replacement (DTR) feature to match your ad’s keyword with the content of your landing page.

4. Create a list of negative keywords

Negative keywords can save your campaign budget as it prevents your ads from being triggered by wrong searches. These keywords help you avoid traffic you don’t want hitting your ads.

5. Write engaging ad copy

Put all your efforts into making engaging ads as ad copy plays a big role in making your campaign a success.

  • Your ad copy should clearly state about your USP and why people should choose you over your competitors
  • Try to be as relevant as possible.
  • Create attention-grabbing headlines
  • Add a compelling call-to-action
  • Consider using power words such as Instant, Hurry, Exclusive, Free, Today Only, etc.

6. Utilize remarketing

A high bounce rate is a common thing in PPC marketing but remarketing is an great way to capture those missed opportunities. It enables you to show targeted ads to users who have already viewed your products or services.

7. Use ad extensions

There are two types of ad extensions, Manual Ad extension and Automatic Ad extension. Add extensions are an good way to reveal extra information about your product or service.

A manual ad extension is a customizable extension that has many more extension types such as site link, call out, location, review, etc. Automatic ad extension works automatically but has few types such as customer rating, the previous visit, dynamic site link, etc.

8. Optimize your campaigns for mobile users

Today, when almost half of the global population uses a smartphone, you can’t neglect mobile users when creating your PPC campaign. Be sure that your landing pages are mobile-friendly and give attention to short-tail keywords as mobile users do not prefer to type in long search queries.

9. Keep track of your PPC campaign

You need to monitor your PPC campaign regularly if you wish to have a success with it. If you’re using Google Ads, Google analytics should be a good tool for you or you can invest in an automation solution that can offer closed-loop reporting. No matter what kind is your business, PPC advertising can help you gain better visibility on search engines and boost conversion.


If you use PPC to monetize your website, it pretty difficult to do it in current time with Covid-19 issues that is surrounding all businesses. And as many business are closing, cutting costs and struggle to survive, the marketing aspect will probably be among the first things business will cut down. Less PPC campaigns means less competition, resulting in a low revenue per thousand (RPM) generated from adverts on a website.

In the pool of reasons how an RPM could be affected, currently the biggest factor affecting ad rates is the coronavirus. But if there was not a Covid-19 problem there are still some factors that can influence the RPM.

Web user location

Actual location of your web traffic is among the biggest factors to affect the RPM you achieve. This is because there are lots of factors which help advertisers decide how likely web users are to convert for a PPC campaign and one of these is the location.

Big chunk of PPC campaigns come from the United States, followed by the likes of other english speaking countries. This usually means the highest RPMs will be achieved with these places.

The value of advertisers to target customers from the places like India and other similar countries, where generally people earn less per capita than US, UK or EU, is less because of this. This means, they are less likely to target such countries, reducing the RPM publishers achieve for such websites. Difference between the RPM number can be almost 60% less in India than US.

Ad locations

For PPC, Ad location is everything. This is why you see the likes of Google and Ad partners use machine learning to determine what placeholders work best. Placing ads in the wrong locations can reduce the RPM by great amount, so it’s best to let Google or alternatives use their AI to determine this for you.

Website Load Speed

The speed of a website loading plays a big part in the RPM a publisher achieves. The longer it take for the website to load, the lower the RPM you achieve. This links to the user experience, where a faster loading website also has a lower bounce rate and a longer time spent on the website.

Google uses attribution modeling as a identify process and how to determine credit for conversions assignments through different clicks and conversion paths. It is general for users to go through several stages of a conversion funnel before taking the final step towards conversion, attribution modeling gives a better understanding of how each interaction contributes to a conversion.

Google Attribution Models

First Click Attribution

This attribution model is set up comparably to Last Click attribution but First Click attribution gives full credit to the first ad click interaction, in which Google assigns 100% credit to a single action a user makes.

  • Pros: First Click attribution allows you to see how people are getting to know your brand.
  • Cons: First Click attribution doesn’t show the full picture so other campaigns don’t get the credit they should. In the multi-touch conversion process, any click that goes after the first click isn’t recognized at all, which gives an wrong portrayal of the conversion process.

Linear Model

The Linear attribution model assigns same credit to all Google ad similar points involved in a conversion course.

  • Pros: This attribution model gives much bigger picture, which allows marketers to see all the steps taken to finish conversion actions. This also allows optimization for the entire customer path, as opposed to a one action.
  • Cons: Because same credit is spread between all actions in a multi-touch conversion, it could twist some of the data and give different credit than is deserved to certain clicks. This strategy also makes it complicated to optimize for the specific keywords and campaigns because it assigns same weight to all actions.


The Position-Based attribution model assigns credit to all close points along the conversion path by giving 40% credit to the first click, 40% to the last click, and the other 20% between the rest.

  • Pros: The Position-Based attribution model shows more of the whole picture of the entire conversion path since it has a weighted method. It recognizes that the most important steps in the customer conversion path are mostly the first and last clicks, while it will still give credit to the clicks in the middle.
  • Cons: This attribution model can lower the value the close points in between the first and last clicks. A remarketing ad could be the reason a user is coming back, but the moment they are ready to complete a conversion, user may have clicked on a branded ad.

Last Click Attribution

Last Click attribution gives whole attribution credit to the final ad a user clicks on. Google will also give 100% credit to that final Google ad clicked.

  • Pros: Last Click attribution is a straightforward method that removes the confusion and shows insight to the source and campaign that is the last push of users completing a conversion action.
  • Cons: This attribution model doesn’t give the whole picture of a user’s journey to conversion, so different sources and campaigns don’t get the credit they should. Last Click sets aside all other efforts taken to get the conversion, which is why it’s a usual trend to see more branded campaign conversions with the Last Click model, as users mostly go straight to the site with a branded keyword or ad when they are ready to complete a conversion action.

Full funnel marketing strategy is great thing to have for any platform since it helps you get a better idea of how you are reaching users and on what level. It also gives you an good idea of your general sales cycle and how long it is.

Top of Funnel – Get them ready

At this lever, we are wanting to make ready the new users who haven’t interacted with your brand yet. These users typically won’t be searching for things about your brand, that is why a display campaign works pretty good. This will allow without being too aggressive, to put your ads and brand name in front of these new potential customers.  But we are not really expecting these users to convert, so to find success in these types of campaigns we will have to look at metrics that measure things like impressions, time on page and bounce rate.

Campaign Type: Display

Performance Metrics: Time on Page, Bounce Rate, Impressions

Content: Whitepapers, Blog Posts, Ebooks

Middle of Funnel – Remind

You want to remind users from the top of the funnel of your brand in this stage and also to get users who are aware of the problem they have and are already searching for the solution, and that should be your business. They maybe seen your ads before but have not converted yet on your site. In this stage, you want to run non-brand search campaigns and display remarketing campaigns and also target keywords related to your business and products. These campaigns can be measured with new user metrics and content metrics like downloads or webinar views.

Campaign Type: Non-Brand Search, Remarketing

Performance Metrics: New User Metrics, Gated Content Metrics

Content: Podcasts, Webinars, Case Study, Expert Guides

Bottom of Funnel – Adopt

At the funnel bottom you want to get the users that are aware of your brand and your products and are ready to convert, they already went through your other funnel stages and trust your brand. In this stage, you will want to run a branded search campaign and also a remarketing campaign. You want to target users searching your brand terms for branded search and audience that engaged in the middle of the funnel for remarketing. You want to look at returning users, content downloads  and conversions your account tracks like “Contact Us” or “Request A Demo”.

Campaign Type: Branded Search, Remarketing

Performance Metrics: Returning Users, Content Downloads, Etc.

Content: Consumer Reports, Competitor Comparison Pieces

Data shows that e-commerce sites doubled their advertising budgets from mid-February and going into mid-March, as social distancing started to become the new norm for consumers and buying online. E-commerce ad spending jumped from $4.8 million the week of February 17 to $9.6 million the week of March 9. with data showing advertising spent over national TV, print and digital media, websites, Snapchat, YouTube, etc.

Earlier data showed that e-commerce sales for retailers that also physical locations saw an average revenue weekly growth rate increase of 52% and an 8.8% increase in conversion rates between January 1 and February 29. With many merchants reporting e-commerce sales exceeding rates of Black Friday and Cyber Monday levels. This spike in demand has caused supply and fulfillment challenges since China is slowly getting back to their full capacity from January but Amazon suspending their FBA resupply and receiving onyl essential items. And that will probably last for few more weeks and it could lead to slowing of investemt into e-commerce advertisment due to merchants emptying their Amazon stocks. So this spike in e-commerce spending is mostly a result of people spending more time and shopping online in combination with merchants selling their products still in stock. It is probably that starting with April the advertisment spending will go down until resupply becomes available again.

When COVID-19 became pandemic in the past few weeks our lives have change.  Many small businesses have been reducing or suspending operations and are already feeling the pressure on their bottom line.

As people’s behaviors change, their search behaviors change too. We’ve already seen how COVID-19 has impacted Google Ads Results for different industries but there is plenty of room for small businesses to adjust to the challenges and we will check several trends that have emerged over recent days and weeks.

Store visits plummets by 90% in one month

Naturally, as people started social distancing and avoid unnecessary trips, many businesses were forced to close their physical stores or limit their in-store capacity due to limited physical traffic. Advertisers began noticing a small drop off in store visits in late February. By the first week of March, store visits were down 24% and slowly as the crisis continued the past week it hit 90% down in just a time period of one month.

How to adapt to this new situation – Get your small business online

  • Design a simple website
  • Get your business on Google My Business
  • Engage your customers on social media
  • Get your products online with Google Merchant Center
  • Promote your business online

Your small business doesn’t need to have a complex website, so use some free website tool builder or pay for one and make a simple website. When you are done, create Google My Business account, you can display your business hours, address, posts, photos and reviews across Google search. Your customers expect that your business might change during this times and they’re looking for updates to confirm if you are open. So they will check social media for your activity and if you are not active there, they might think you are closed for now. Traditional retail is struggling with minimal store visits, but ecommerce is an opportunity to keep your sales coming in since interent is still doing just fine with shopping and everyone is inside in front of their tablets and screens. And to finish the circle, promote your online business with advertising like Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising or Facebook Ads.

COVID-19 dominates new searches

The news about the virus is spreading like a virus, exponentially and everyone is pretty much getting all news in real time. Other the past few weeks, searches containing “coronavirus” and “COVID” have certainly taken off.

But even if we look past the searches directly about the virus, the implications of our current situation are bringing people to Google with questions you don’t often see asked.

How to adapt to this new situation – Adjust your PPC campaigns for new search terms and volume

  • Review your search terms report regularly
  • Find new negative keywords before they start trending
  • Follow trending COVID-19 searches

We don’t know what will be trending tomorrow, so it is important to understand what traffic your ads are getting and add new negative keywords quickly to prevent your campaigns from reaching irrelevant searchers. All your new keywords run the risk of attracting irrelevant searches and wasting your campaign budget. Google Trends recently released a new Google Trend Coronavirus Hub, dedicated to these specific COVID-19 search trends so review the hub regularly to see how search interests are reacting to the changing news.


Customer value reporting and Conversion value rules are two new features that have been under testing for about a year now. Google first teased these features in the Google Ads UI at Google Marketing Live last year. Even though both features are still in beta here is what we know about them and how they are designed to work.

Customer value reporting.

You will be able to find conversion value reporting in the Tools dropdown under the Measurement section in the Google Ads UI. It shows the “Distribution of your customer base over the previous 12 months” broken down by demographics, locations and devices.

You can change the view to see one-time customers and medium-value from the dropdown in the upper right corner.

The demographics reporting is based on what signed-in users suggest in their Google accounts or what Google can guess about users based on their search and browsing behaviors.

Conversion value rules.

When enabled it is located in the Conversions section under Measurement options. You can “adjust values for conversion events based on conditions like location or device.” For now the options are limited to location and device and audience will be an eventually option.

The rules will then be applied to your bidding strategies and Google will also report on your conversion value rules. This will allow you to customize conversion values so they align more closely with your business goals.