SEO is an effective investment that will pay for itself in the long run for your online business. If you don’t make SEO an important part of your online business you might get stuck without proper progress and if you don’t think about how SEO can do good things for your online business, then here are few reasons to change your mind.

Offers Long Lasting Results

One of the best things about SEO is that it is a long lasting strategy but to achieve that it takes time for your business to start notice the benefits of good SEO strategy. You need to understand that you will not be able to do such a thing with SEO after a month or two. Just because SEO did not provide immediate results does not mean it is pointless or ineffective. If you have started a new website for your business, then you will start seeing results in a period of 6 to 12 months.

Is a Cheaper Alternative

When compared to other paid search strategies, SEO is a probably the cheapest alternative even though you will have to spend money on SEO in the start. But that is still better than paying for traffic month by month. If you want short term results, you should stick to paid advertising, but if you want to see long term results, then you will need to go with SEO. Looking at the bigger picture, Search Engine Optimization will improve your search engine visibility by leaps at a yet at lower cost than Search Engine Marketing.

Gain the Trust of your Audience

In the old days, it was quite easy to rank on keywords but things have changed since then. If you want to rank, you will need to know exactly who your target audience is and by giving them what they want, you will create awareness for your brand and build authority. Your website will gain authority by gaining credibility and trust and for that to happen you will need to deliver exceptional content with valuable information and have an easy to use and clean website.

Increase Traffic and Customers with Local SEO

From all the good reasons why you need to invest in SEO, local optimization should be at the very top. Local optimization can be used for your search for local keywords and blog to be integrated into your articles, which will boost your rankings like a lot. To start with your local SEO process, you will need to Google your business, add information and then connect that information to your website and also add pictures and link your social accounts too.

Majority of marketers in the U.S. advertise on Facebook, and it’s easy to see why since 74% of Facebook users visit the site at least once a day, and more than half of them visit Facebook multiple times a day. So the question is not if you need to advertise on Facebook, but what is the best time when to advertise. If you have a great campaign and you run ads in the wrong time, you are losing budget for nothing, plus not getting results you wish to get.

So what is the best time to run Facebook ads?

Shoert answer is that there is no ideal time for running your ads, if there was, this post would give you very specific answer and be overall pretty short. Of course, there are those who would tell you there is best time for each type of ads you would run and it’s all backed up with data, which is correct. But it is their data, their ads and their audience. Just because a specific time worked for one business doesn’t mean it will work for yours.

You want to run your Facebook ads at the right time for your target audience. This really isn’t something new, you would not run commercials aimed at high-income full-time employees during the workday sam as you would not run the commercials on the cartoon channel.

Use analytics to find the best time to run your Facebooks ads for your targeted audience

Facebook Analytics
: Check to see which of your posts have been getting the most engagement since it gives you a benchmark of when users are interacting with your posts. Use Facebook Analytics for a wide variety of other metrics that can help you create the most effective ad campaigns.

Facebook Pixel: It is a snippet of code that allows you to track conversions and shows the value of your ads and Using it helps you see your actual conversion rate.

Google Analytics: If you haven’t collected a significant amount of data on Facebook, use Google Analytics to get your website data. While website data isn’t the same as social media data, it can still provide you with insight to create lookalike audience with your Facebook ads.

Using these three tools will give you a solid foundation for determining the best time to run Facebook ads for your business.

Planning ahead can help your business stay is good position for your peak periods especially in this time of current uncertainty. Whether your company is having trouble keeping up with demand or experiencing a quickly decline in leads and activity, businesses are going to be confronted with unplanned “seasonal” event.

Last month at SMX West, Metric Theory’s Genevieve Head-Gordon discussed paid search strategies for preparing and optimizing for peak seasons that can help you be ready. “Gone are the days of just maximizing your peak period,” said Head-Gordon. “There is so much you need to be doing in your off-peak periods to make sure that you understand your target audience and the state of your account leading up to your peak season.”

Know your audiences. Building and targeting correct audience  is going to be very important for seasonal success. Prepare ahead of your peak period so you can start bringing users into the funnel and be ready to remarket when the season starts. Long-term remarketing lists guarantee you can reconnect with people who engaged with your brand last season. Those lists then can be used to create targeted similar audiences and also take advantage of custom intent audiences.

Test any new campaign types well in advance of your peak and “work out the kinks of your core SEM components: ad copy and landing pages,” she says.

Frontload your budgets in advance to get ahead of your competion and “invest in window shoppers,” as Head-Gordon puts it. “You want to make sure that you’re bidding and budgeting early. Get in front of people and fill remarketing lists. If you wait to start prospecting until the beginning of your peak period, you will have missed a valuable window to gain awareness and loyalty.”

In particular on Amazon, Head-Gordon suggests ramping up your budget two to three weeks before your peak season.

Automated bidding – “During your peak season, make sure that you are leaning into automated bidding,” she says.”Machine learning is a huge benefit in a complicated journey. But you can make it smarter using tools and your historical data assessment.”

Google Analytics – “Google Analytics allows you to maximize your exposure because that data is real-time, so you’re not going to be missing out on really strong conversion rates and really strong performance.”

Budget monitoring – You want to set up “depleted budget reports,” says Head-Gordon. “These are really helpful because the worst thing that can happen during your peak season is your best performing campaigns run out of budget early.”

Channel reporting – Set up hour-by-hour channel reporting for your key days. This will show overall changes in spend in traffic and conversions, said Head-Gordon, “and make sure that you’re setting yourself up for success for next year.”

Advertising losses were to reach $42 billion in 2019 and were predicted to be driven to reach $100 billion by 2023, according to Juniper research. Blockchain became good solution to provide transparency while serving ads and paying for the real human interactions on the ads removing the automated traffic from the picture.

The blockchain open itself to the advertising industry recently when data inflation and data discrepancy news surfaced online and publishers and advertisers  started looking for a better alternatives for transparency. Advertising giants were manipulating the data and information to make a huge profit margin.

Blockchain applications in digital advertising

  • Ad Buying and selling without the mediator – Blockchain is solving the transparencies and trust issues the ad tech industry has without mediator.
  • Fraud prevention and transparency in the ad supply chain – Blockchain technology integrated with the tools helps find and flag sites with click discrepancy and bot infiltration which would flow the ad budget to the right sites with genuine clicks.
  • Targeting the right audience – With blockchain, ad tech platforms can automate campaigns based on the specified set of rules. By doing this advertisers can utilize the budget on better sites to show ads. Audience engagement will be credible now with very much accurate data that will help design better campaigns.
  • Data management – Blockchain makes it simple to retrieve the right KPIs utilize the data for better decision making.
  • Customize ad delivery – With blockchain, advertisers will be given control to limit the ad frequency according to their campaign objectives.
  • Social media ads – A lot of fake news used to surface online through social media channels, now it can be controlled as blockchain technology is the distributed system is highly transparent and trackable. It can limit the social media ad frauds.
  • Data safety – Audience permission is required now to use their personal data. Security compliance like GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA came into the picture for data privacy and safety.
  • Ad-verification – Blockchain reduced the role of third-party platforms to verify ads if they comply with the guidelines and save a lot of time for the advertisers.
  • Ad automation – With the help of blockchain-based advertising platforms, ad auctioning process are more easy, transparent and will now be more effective and relevant.
  • Content management – Content personalization, content discovery, content monetization and content creation would be easier in these blockchain technology ad platforms.

Blockchain is impacting the digital advertising ecosystem gradually and positively. Ad tech giants like Google are adapting the blockchain-powered tools to enhance their functionality. The companies considering an upgrade to their advertising platform with blockchain will lead the way going forward.


Customer value reporting and Conversion value rules are two new features that have been under testing for about a year now. Google first teased these features in the Google Ads UI at Google Marketing Live last year. Even though both features are still in beta here is what we know about them and how they are designed to work.

Customer value reporting.

You will be able to find conversion value reporting in the Tools dropdown under the Measurement section in the Google Ads UI. It shows the “Distribution of your customer base over the previous 12 months” broken down by demographics, locations and devices.

You can change the view to see one-time customers and medium-value from the dropdown in the upper right corner.

The demographics reporting is based on what signed-in users suggest in their Google accounts or what Google can guess about users based on their search and browsing behaviors.

Conversion value rules.

When enabled it is located in the Conversions section under Measurement options. You can “adjust values for conversion events based on conditions like location or device.” For now the options are limited to location and device and audience will be an eventually option.

The rules will then be applied to your bidding strategies and Google will also report on your conversion value rules. This will allow you to customize conversion values so they align more closely with your business goals.

If you want your blog to attract more followers and make monetization easier you have to make unique and interesting content. So it is the responsibility of every blogger looking for success to create the most original content they can but sometimes that is not easy always for couple of reasons.

  • If you are selling a product that has limited description and uses.
  • You are not too creative in your writing to expand the perspectives of it.
  • There might be limitations for new blog ideas due to slow rate of new developments in the industry your a writing about.
  • You don’t have enough time to put into more thorough and unique content.  

The requirement to provide unique content for your blog is important if you want to grow the platform and keep the your traffic coming. Doesn’t matter the nature of the product you are selling or what the niche for your blog is, it is possible to give your followers new and quality content. Here are some tips on how to deliver unique and compelling content for your blog.

Invest Time In Research

Unique content requires investment in time and good effort in research on new points and ideas for your blog posts. Such research is continuous and requires sufficient time. A blog that is driven by research will always feature new and unique ideas. That kind of a blog keeps readers interested and return for new posts. It is always easy to know whether a blogger has researched his content based on its quality. 

Develop A Content Plan

Do not create content just for the sake of writing new articles. Planning for your content will help you develop original ideas. Your titles and the points discussed will also be important. Sometimes the content may also be trendy, and it lose the value very quickly. A content plan requires you to look at possible ideas over the long term. The foresight that comes with content planning helps you to develop captivating titles and ideas for your articles.

Understand The Needs Of Your Audience 

Readers will always tell you about your content through the comments and social interaction they leave on the blog. You may also ask them for feedback as a way of engaging them more. When your content gets shared on social media, their level of engagement will tell you whether it was captivating or not. Traffic on your website will also help you to determine the value that such content is adding to the site. If there is a decline in traffic, it is time to evaluate your content and blogging strategy.

Hire A Creative Writer  

Your content will only be unique if you invest time in writing quality articles. If you think you can’t handle that type of work, maybe it’s better for your blog to be succesful to hire a professional writers online who can provide unique and quality content for your blog. You may change or rotate the writers to add to the variety of writing styles and ideas shared on your blog.

Stay Updated On The Latest In The Niche 

If your blog is about specific niche its important to keep up with the latest news from that niche on your blog. New articles on various but familiar niche subjects are also one of the elements that keep old followers on your blog as well as bringing new ones. You have to research thoroughly on new ideas to avoid misinformation or misleading your readers. The long life and popularity of any blog depends on the quality of content you serve the your readers.


Today it is common for more and more companies to allow employees to work from home more often. Even though long term working from home may not suit every person, some people really feel benefits of remote work like make their time more productive and comfortable. If you struggle to get used to idea of working from home here are some tips how to be more successful.

Stay Connected

One of hardest things working from home is isolation. It’s very different when you do some work and do it good to share it with your coworkers face to face, or if you need a help with something to just turn around your chair and ask a question.

Easiest solution to stay connected is to make every communication with your coworkers is video calls. Seems like a small thing to do, but talking to someone face to face even over video link makes a big difference. It also helps to stay in contact with your coworkers with simply messages about what is going on in their work and personal life. Also it’s not a bad idea to stop by the office from time to time spend some time with your fellow coworkers.

Home Workspace Environment

Where you do your working from home is really important. It’s tempting to just sit in your couch with a laptop in front of you because it seems more comfortable. But you need to make a difference between your work time and your personal time. Having that separation allows you to focus more on the work.

You should find a space in your house or an apartment that will be just for work. Of course that should not be some corner of your basement since you have freedom to place your work desk anywhere you will feel comfortable working. Place it next to a window, decorate your work space with things you enjoy like posters, plants, awards, degrees, etc. Also try to place your workspace somewhere with no background noise to distract you since it’s much easier to focus on the work and while talking with clients on the phone it’s much easier than in a busy office.

Laziness is the Enemy of Productivity

With a freedom of working from home it’s really tempting to not always start working in specific time, sleep little longer, drink that morning coffee long while reading news on your phone. But it is extremly important to develop a strict routine regarding your work job and do the morning rituals before that specific time comes when work starts.

Also try to avoid multitasking since it’s pretty important to avoid distraction around your work space like TV to even just think about whats new on Netflix or that TV show you want to continue to watch. Things like that are bad to keep your focus on work.

Working from home also allows you to take breaks whenever you want. Don’t abuse that perk, because it is really easy to lose focus on work and just go and take a break. Don’t think breaks are not important, they really are, but not every half an hour or less. Use breaks wisely not just becasue you can, do it when you feel you really need one to clear your mind, to make your self a drink, to eat a lunch, for a quick relax and than go back to work before you get to comfortable with your break that you might want to check out that Netflix.

Enjoy the Benefits

Working from home is great and in some working fields more and more companies are making it a normal thing. So with all things to avoid, enjoy the benefits also. Biggest one, you can work from anywhere. You can grab your laptop and visit your family and still find a quite space to do your work. You will also avoid traffic, searching for parking spots and all the annoying things that can happen on the way to work.

Also one of the more important choices you can and should do when you are working from home – buy a good office chair.

With Coronavirus taking whole world under the strict control in pretty much every aspects of life, businesses are of course taking their toll also. Financial sector is in free fall and production sector is strugling, but what about advertising and marketing. Well, COVID-19 makes no exceptions. From a marketing and online advertising perspective, it is likely that COVID-19 is going to take a hit on this segment too.

Ad Budgets on the decline

Even though the start of the year is known for not having the highest of ad rates anyway, it is very likely that the ad rates will be lower than they have been at these times of previous years. The main reason for this is because businesses that have been most affected by the coronavirus will reduce their ad rates significantly and that mostly includes airlines, transport, tourism, public relations, social gatherings and many more.

And because of that, with the demand dropping, the competition for ad spots will reduce, resulting in publishers gaining a much lower CPC than before.

What can you do?

Not much unfortunatly. But at this moment there is no apparent drop in ad demand. However, this is because the budgets of business usually last more than a few months, and when these budgets start refreshing then the drop is likely to occur which is probably at the end of the first quarter. So if your ROI decreases or results diminish, reduce your budget accordingly. Even though this might be bad for some markets, it will be good for markets that keeps people at home, like streaming services, food delivery and similar markets.

When running campaigns on the Google Ads Display Network, doesn’t matter how large is your budget or what industry you are in there are some rules to follow. Here are the six top Google Display Network mistakes that you need to avoid:

1. Combining your display and search campaigns

Make sure you keep your display campaigns fully separate from your search campaigns. When creating a new campaign in Google Ads, it will automatically opt your search campaigns into the Display Network to help expand reach. Odds are you will see noticeably different conversions, conversion rates, CTRs, CPCs and CPAs on these two networks. People going to Google and searching specific things show a much deeper intent and capitalizing on deeper funnel users will need different strategies than expanding your reach to a new audience.

2. Including remarketing audiences in your awareness campaigns

With remarketing, you will likely want to be more aggressive with your sales message to encourage the user to perform a specific actions. This is exactly why you would segment out your audiences in separate campaigns. If you are creating ad groups in your remarketing campaigns targeting different user actions, you want to exclude these users from your new user campaigns and also try and add customer lists and audiences from certain conversion actions to try and keep these campaigns as segmented as possible. This will allow you a better controld over your budgets, landing pages and creatives.

3. Not using the proper exclusions

When creating your display campaign or updating your current campaign, you can set content exclusions. If you look at the middle column in the image, you can see the sensitive content options are selected but grayed out. This is because sensitive content options can be excluded at the account level if you prefer. That can save you a lot of money down the road.

4. Skimming your placement reports

Things we said above does not mean that you are free from checking your placement reports. Set up a consistent schedule to review where your ads are being shown if you are not using managed placement targeting. If you are a diligent PPC marketer who is always testing new targeting options, you may have to go back to the Placement reports more frequently to see how placement performance has changed since your last optimizations.

5. Getting complacent with targeting options

If you find basic targeting options within Google Ads that consistently work for your goals, you still can put in the effort to try and do better. Google gives advertisers creating custom intent audiences for display a list of recommended keywords you can choose to add to your audiences. When researching audiences to add to your ad groups, Google already compiled a list of auto-created custom intent audiences for you to test. Auto-created audiences can work very good if you are running out of new ideas. Even when you find certain targeting options that work for you, keep testing new audiences to reach your target customer, and custom audiences are an easy way to keep testing for display.

6. Leaving your columns in Google Ads alone

You can get plenty of direct conversions from your display campaigns if you find the right mix of targeting and engaging creative but some industries may not see direct conversions from their display campaigns and this usually happens when there are high priced items or very long sales cycles. Switch up your columns in Google Ads to see if users are eventually converting and two that are good to check are Cross-device conversions and View-through conversions. Your display ads could be having a much bigger impact than you realize.

Amazon is suspending new fulfillment orders of non-essential products into it’s warehouses as they announced yesterday.

This decision came to give priority to household staples, medical supplies, and other high demand products, making sure these products reach in a timely manner in fulfillment centers so they can be restocked and shipped faster to buyers.

What does that all means for advertisers?

  • every shipment created before March 17, 2020. will be received regardless of the product type.
  • every shipment created after that date if it is not in the essentials category will get your shipment temporarily disabled.
  • so far the suspenion of non-essential products will be lifted on April 5, 2020., but it could be longer so watch for notifications.
  • all sales of non-essential product will not stop, only delayed in shipment.

What does it mean for businesses?

  • if you are small business or you sell non-essential products, you might want to switch to self sulfillment as the best option to continue to sell things.
  • if your inventory on Amazon is starting to go low, you should focus on selling your products directly from your website.

What this means for your ads for non-essential products?

  • If you have campaigns running on Amazon products, watch your inventory so your ad spending would not be wasted. This is very important for your headline search ads.
  • Competition may increase or decrease during this unpredictable time so watch your bids.
  • Watch your competition especially if they are unable to replenish their product supply and consider expanding your Competitor strategy.
  • Look for unique keyword opportunities for people who want some product but are out of stock and might be seeking alternatives.

If you find yourself out of stock on Amazon at this moment with no way to replenish until April 5, then you might think to utilize other paid advertising efforts to keep your business go on. Just keep in mind that every platform is experiencing high load right now. People are at home and are shopping like crazy, so it is good time to capitalize on every effort you can. Maybe try to focus on your remarketing to make sure you retain your loyal, repeat customers.