Full funnel marketing strategy is great thing to have for any platform since it helps you get a better idea of how you are reaching users and on what level. It also gives you an good idea of your general sales cycle and how long it is.

Top of Funnel – Get them ready

At this lever, we are wanting to make ready the new users who haven’t interacted with your brand yet. These users typically won’t be searching for things about your brand, that is why a display campaign works pretty good. This will allow without being too aggressive, to put your ads and brand name in front of these new potential customers.  But we are not really expecting these users to convert, so to find success in these types of campaigns we will have to look at metrics that measure things like impressions, time on page and bounce rate.

Campaign Type: Display

Performance Metrics: Time on Page, Bounce Rate, Impressions

Content: Whitepapers, Blog Posts, Ebooks

Middle of Funnel – Remind

You want to remind users from the top of the funnel of your brand in this stage and also to get users who are aware of the problem they have and are already searching for the solution, and that should be your business. They maybe seen your ads before but have not converted yet on your site. In this stage, you want to run non-brand search campaigns and display remarketing campaigns and also target keywords related to your business and products. These campaigns can be measured with new user metrics and content metrics like downloads or webinar views.

Campaign Type: Non-Brand Search, Remarketing

Performance Metrics: New User Metrics, Gated Content Metrics

Content: Podcasts, Webinars, Case Study, Expert Guides

Bottom of Funnel – Adopt

At the funnel bottom you want to get the users that are aware of your brand and your products and are ready to convert, they already went through your other funnel stages and trust your brand. In this stage, you will want to run a branded search campaign and also a remarketing campaign. You want to target users searching your brand terms for branded search and audience that engaged in the middle of the funnel for remarketing. You want to look at returning users, content downloads  and conversions your account tracks like “Contact Us” or “Request A Demo”.

Campaign Type: Branded Search, Remarketing

Performance Metrics: Returning Users, Content Downloads, Etc.

Content: Consumer Reports, Competitor Comparison Pieces

B2B companies have longer customer cycles that can go from a month to six months or even a year. So it is important when making your digital B2B strategy that you are focused on that long term return rather than the short term return. Taking the time to make a year long digital strategy for B2B will pay off good in a end result. For making a good strategy you have to start by analyzing what is working against what isn’t working.

STEP 1 – Search

Sometimes there are certain location that will eat a lot of your budget but not give a good results and the best way to counter that is to devide your campaigns into different locations to keep track on what is working and what is not.

The B2B account is tracking multiple conversion events but we it is sending every campaign to the same form fill landing page. You need to break the campaign by the conversion event so that users are going for each campaign with their set of keywords. Make sure your campaigns, ad groups and keywords are very tightly themed.

Hand in hand with conversion events are the landing pages. You can’t have the same landing page for every ad group because not every person who is searching ready to fill out a form to be contacted. So you need to separate landing pages to each themed ad group.

STEP 2 – Social

B2B can work very good with social media like Facebook. You can try mirror what you were doing on search to social platforms to generate things like traffic, resource downloads or video views.

Similar to search, you can have multiple conversion actions to track. You don’t want to track just one, but all of them so you want to set up each conversion event to have a separate campaign. This can be easy way to build remarketing audiences off of people who had taken previous actions.

Not only do you want to have multiple ads, but you should have multiple ad types running. This will give the campaign plenty of resources to learn what performed good vs what didn’t perform so good.

STEP 3 – Programmatic

Programmatic is expensive however, the results on your programmatic campaigns can be significant and it can be a good client-agency relationship setting for a long run.