Many marketing accounts have seen a steady decline in conversions because it is not the best time for individuals or companies to purchase a specific product or service, but you still need to continue the marketing for the future, collect data to use later. Since people might not be interested now, but remembering your brand and what you have to offer might stil be in the mind after the crisis is over.

With YouTube traffic increasing during the pandemic time, video campaigns in Google Ads can be a cost-effective way to maintain branding if your budget has been reduced.

1. Try out those too-long videos for YouTube ads

You do not need to have a 30-second video to run successful video campaigns on YouTube like you would do on Facebook or Instagram. People go to YouTube to watch videos, and you can use longer video content.  This is where TrueView discovery ads can really help. YouTube is still a search engine and after Google, the second-largest search engine to be exact. People use YouTube to try and find answers and solutions to any questions or problems they may be having. Advertisers who want their content to be at the top of the YouTube search results can run TrueView discovery ads to try and get their video as the top spot.

Discovery ads can help push and build your brand. The image above is showing what your ad may look like on YouTube search results, and that is where TrueView discovery ads can really be good. Research what problems or questions your audience is asking. Target those terms with TrueView discovery campaigns if you have the video ready to offer up a good solution that can help your target audience.

2. Build new custom intent audiences

If you still want to spread your reach beyond the YouTube search results, you can still use audiences to target your TrueView in-stream and discovery ads. And for YouTube advertising, it does not get any better than custom intent audiences. For YouTube ads, you can create audiences based off of search terms people have typed into Google. The keywords will be broad match related, but it will show a level of intent.

3. Lighten up your CTA extensions

YouTube’s call-to-action extensions are only available for video ads running TrueView in-stream campaigns. Advertisers have the option to add a a call-to-action button as well as headline to their in-stream ad. The call-to-action extensions will still be visible alongside the video ad, even if the user decides to skip the video ad.

We can assume most people go to YouTube to be entertained. It is probably not the best thing to push your “Buy Now” CTAs unless you are selling an essential item that is in demand. But if you are using YouTube ads to build brand awareness easier commitments, like “Learn More”, “Read More” or “Visit Site”. This can help build more engagement and potentially drive more traffic if the user feels they do not have to commit to anything.

4. Make sure your video content is quality

If you are softening your approach with your targeting, you better have the video content to back up that approach. Video production doesn’t have to be expensive. Many have cameras on our phones that can compete on a quality level with most of the videos you see on YouTube. In combination with some inexpensive video editing tools and you can create many great quality videos very easy. Reach your audience on YouTube now and convert them later.