3 Strategies to lower your CPC – Part 2 & 3
Match Landing Pages to Your Ads and Target Keywords
It’s important to keep your landing page offer consistent with the keyword and the ad text to lower your CPC as much as possible. Because the major component of your Quality Score is the relevance of your landing page and the keyword that has been targeted. The landing page is of course where you are getting the conversions that makes your PPC campaign actually profitable and it is the best time to convince the user that you have solution for their problem.
Your niche, offer and audience determine your optimal PPC landing page design. For example, eComm store might land users onto a product or category page, but B2B software might land users to a free trial page. Also a insurance provider might give the user a form to calculate their rates and recruiter might use thieronline jobs to get users actively engaged. Or in case of emergency plumber who might feature their phone number first so user can get in contact if needed. Overall, every business is different.
But without exception, all effective landing pages are consistent with the source and they demonstrate a clear value proposition.
Continually Test Multiple Ad Variations to Improve CTR
To contribute to a better Quality Score you can improve your CTR. That way you will also impact your CPC and lower it due to higher Quality Score. So it’s very important to optimize your CTR in the search for a reduced CPC on your campaigns and you achive that by adopting a mindset of constant testing. This means to never being totally sure about the performance of your ad. You can test different offers, ad copy, and callout copy and try extensions to make you CTRs better.
PPC marketers should always try to beat their previous best CTR with continuous tests and ad variations. And there’s no better advantage when testing than to know what the competition is up to.